Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Types Of Plastic Surgery - Different Types Of Plastic Surgery

Types Of Plastic Surgery - Aesthetic plastic surgery is performed in order to change the appearance of a person. For some people, it can mean return to design the contour and shape of the body, remove wrinkles or eliminate areas where the hair is being lost. Others may choose the treatment for varicose veins or the bre*st augmentation. Men and women can choose from many plastic surgery procedures in order to create an image that makes them more confident in themselves and feel more comfortable with their appearance. In 2005, more than 10.2 million cosmetic surgeries were performed.

Different Types Of Plastic Surgery

Types Of Plastic Surgery
Types Of Plastic Surgery

Although the health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of people who decide to undergo cosmetic surgery continues to grow. The five main types of cosmetic surgery
Including :
  1. liposuction
  2. breast augmentation
  3. eyelid surgery
  4. correction of the nose
  5. tummy tuck double image. 

More than 1.3 million women were subjected to one or more of these surgeries in the 2005.

Moreover, it are not only women who are opting to improve their appearance through surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 11% of all procedures liposuction and 10 percent of facelifts in 2005 were men.

What are the most common aesthetic plastic surgery procedures?

The following are the most common cosmetic procedures (invasive and minimally-invasive according to the American Society of plastic surgeons). The medical term for the procedure is in parentheses.

  • increase or enlargement of breast (augmentation mammoplasty)
  • removal of the implant breast
  • breast lift
  • buttock lift
  • remodeling of the Chin, cheeks, or maxillary (facial implants or augmentation of soft tissue)
  • dermabrasion
  • lifting of eyelids (blepharoplasty)
  • facelift
  • forehead lift
  • replacement / hair transplant
  • Lip augmentation
  • Liposuction (lipoplasty)
  • lifting of the lower part of the body
  • remodeling of the nose (Rhinoplasty)
  • thigh lift
  • surgery to remove the fat from the abdomen (Abdominoplasty)
  • the upper part of the arm lifting
  • botox injections
  • anti-cellulite treatment
  • chemical peel
  • fillings/injections of collagen or FAT (skin rejuvenation)
  • reaffirmation of the skin by laser
  • treatment with laser for the veins of the legs.

Keywords :
Types Of Plastic Surgery
Different Types Of Plastic Surgery

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